Penelitian merupakan salah satu tridharma perguruan tinggi yang sangat penting untuk melihat kualitas suatu perguruan tinggi. Diantara penelitian yang dihasilkan berasal dari laporan skripsi yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa, khususnya di Departemen Pendidikan Luar Biasa. Berikut ini adalah daftar skripsi mahasiswa Departemen PLB FIP UNP:
No | Nama | Judul | Skripsi |
1 | Annisa | Development of Automatic Bikes to Reduce Joint Stiffness in Children with Cerebral Palsy in the City of Padang | |
2 | Intania | Attitude to the General Tolerance of Students to Students With Special Needs in The Inclusion School Provider Yari Elementary School Padang | |
3 | Melati Pramuja Febrianis | Awareness of Anti-Bullying Normal Students Towards Students with Special Needs | |
4 | Melly Nadya Afrianti | Improving Reading Skills Understanding Through the Probing Strategy- Prompting for Children with Difficulty Learning Class V In SDN 31 Kumpulan Bangang | |
5 | Sofhia Miranda Ginting | The Effectiveness of the Realistic Mathematic Approach Education (RME) On Ability Reduction 1-20 for Mentally Disabled Children |